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Polotsk, Belarus - through the eyes of a tourist, what to see, where to visit

Polotsk, Belarus - through the eyes of a tourist, what to see, where to visit Since you decided to visit Belarus, it is worth starting with the oldest city - Polotsk, which was founded on the basis of chronicles in 862, although archaeologists and historians claim that Polotsk is several centuries earlier. Where to begin? If you plan to visit the museums of the city of Polotsk, then you should look into the Ecological Museum, located in a building that used to be a water tower, from the top floor of which offers panoramic views of the entire city.

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In addition, there you can see a lot of stuffed animals, listen to the guide’s story about the flora and fauna of Belarus and about environmental problems on its territory. The museum is located in the central part of the city of Polotsk, and tickets will not be expensive.

Another popular museum in Polotsk is the printing museum. Here you can learn about the life path of the famous Belarusian first printer Francis Skorina, look at the first copies of printed publications and rare books. The museum is located on Nizhne-Pokrovskaya street.

If you travel with a child, a visit to the children's museum is a good option. The museum consists of two rooms, the exhibits of which - cameras, samovars, vinyl records, mechanical and sundials - will help your child better know the world around him of mechanisms and get acquainted with various human creations.

The museum of medieval chivalry, whose halls are decorated in the style of those distant times, will not only tell you the history of Polotsk and illustrate all the battles and battles in the city, but also show you knights in military armor, medieval weapons, and the animation will make your tour much more interesting.

The art gallery will present to your attention icons, old paintings and works of contemporary Belarusian artists, and in summer there can be exhibitions for schoolchildren.

Monuments that are popular with tourists include the monument to Francis Skorina, Simeon of Polotsk, Efrosinia of Polotsk, Vseslav the Sorcerer. Moreover, in Polotsk there is a monument to the truly Belarusian letter "Ў", and it is located right in the city park.

The city park begins at the Church of the Intercession and goes through the whole city, ending at the town square, where the monument to the war of 1812 is located. This is one of the most popular places for walking among the residents of Polotsk. Tourists will be able to visit churches, cathedrals and monasteries, which are many in Polotsk.

One of the most famous sights of Polotsk is St. Sophia Cathedral, which was erected between 1030 and 1060. The cathedral has survived many destructions and reconstructions, and is now completely restored. Visitors can enjoy organ music, hear from the guide the history of the cathedral and see the unique murals preserved on the walls. From the site in front of St. Sophia Cathedral overlooks the Western Dvina.

Having visited the Spaso-Efrosinievsky monastery, you will not only see ancient frescoes and icons, but you will also be able to bow to the relics of St. Euphrosyne and look into her cell. Services are held daily at the monastery and a Sunday school is open on Sundays.

For relaxation, we recommend that you visit the cafe "Flower" in the flower shop "Bouquet" which is famous for its delicious coffee, exclusively "Lavacca".

Polotsk, Belarus - through the eyes of a tourist, what to see, where to visit

Not far from it there is a pancake cafe "Teremok" with Russian pancakes, which are considered one of the best in Polotsk and baked right before your eyes. And the House of Trade with a wide range of Belarusian products.

You can visit the unique flower shop "Orangery" with a real fountain among the living greenery and buy a souvenir as a keepsake. Polotsk, Belarus - through the eyes of a tourist, what to see, where to visit

Polotsk, Belarus - through the eyes of a tourist, what to see, where to visit

If you want to visit another interesting cafe, you can drive to the neighboring city - Novopolotsk and visit the "Flower Cafe Lavacca" in the best flower shop of the city.

Novopolotsk and visit the

In Polotsk, you can find something of your own: a concert of organ music in St. Sophia Cathedral or a visit to a city holiday or event.

You can stay at the Dvina Hotel, nothing special in the service, but the monumental view and low prices will balance your stay in the very center of Polotsk. In the hotel complex "Sail", you will be offered a room with a view of the Dvina.

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